A lot of people like the idea of meditation, but it intimidates them. You may be one of these individuals, who think, "I can't shut off my brain...I can't sit still...I'll look like a fool...what will my friends think?"...These are all normal responses that keep people from trying meditation. But this activity is not just for mystical individuals in faraway lands. It is, in its simplest form, a method to better your focus and concentration; reduce tension, anxiety, stress; promote creativity and improve performance in work and play. It requires no special clothing or equipment (except, in the following case... a candle is needed).
Here is a genuinely easy way to start a practice of daily meditation - especially for those who think they cannot do it:
1. Pick a place in your home where you will not be disturbed.
2. Try to make the atmosphere as quiet as possible, turning off phones, radios and televisions.
3. Find a comfortable place to sit where you can set a candle at least one foot in front of you at eye level. This may require you to be seated on the floor on a cushion, perhaps with the candle on your coffee table or altar if you have one.
4. Light the candle and take three deep breaths.
5. Set your intention that at this time you will begin your meditation.
6. Start to focus your eyes on the candle flame. Watch it flicker, dance and change color.
7. Try now to concentrate only on the flame, clearing your mind. Thoughts will come into you head - bills to pay, places to be - just let them drift into your mind and imagine them floating on a cloud passing by.
8. You may feel that you want close your eyes after a while, and that is fine. Just keep breathing and letting the thoughts drift by.
You will know when you are done. Maybe you will feel finished after 10 minutes, or 20, but you will sense it. It is always nice to give gratitude, such as a few words of thanks, before gently bowing out your candle.